Sunday, May 26, 2013

Raindrop and Vibrational Raindrop Technique

Have you an issue in your body that you are struggling with that gets in the way of daily life?  The issues could be intestinal, viral, skeletal, hives, hormones, pain, fibromyalgia, MS, the list could go on and on, you put in your issue. 

Having given a Vibrational Raindrop a week ago, brings to light the complete benefit that it has over the following 7 days.

The client I worked on asked, "Do you work on everyone this long when you do a Vibrational Raindrop?", my answer was 'yes'.  Every client gets the same treatment.  Her comment was "then this is worth at least $150!"  Sole Haven Wellness Center only Charges $115 for a Vibrational Raindrop at this time (5/2013). 

We would encourage you to consider scheduling your Raindrop or Vibrational Raindrop today.  If you are finding it hard to find a time that fits your schedule please email at and tell us and we will find a time that works.

If you purchase your own set of Raindrop Technique Essential Oil Collection ( put 3137 in the search box) from me there will be a reduction to the cost of each of your sessions using your oils.  The benefit will be that you will also be able to continue to use the oils at home and additional sessions where each session will be reduced.  (If you sign up as a distributor you will get a 24% reduction in the cost.)

Plan for a 2 hour time period while you are here at Sole Haven Wellness Center for the whole process.  

Order your oils now and schedule your session.  Start your summer off right!   

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