Sunday, March 10, 2013

My 49 Day Juice Fast - End of day 28

Yesterday, March 9, 2013, was day 28 of my juice fast.  I am surprised myself that I have completed 28 days of a 49 day juice fast.  I have been surprised that it has been relatively easy with a few bumps along the way. 

If I wait too long to make my veggie juice for evening I start getting emotionally imbalanced.  The reason I tend to wait too long is I am not really hungry.  But I do find that when I need to eat it is NOW that I need to make my juice, or I have a doubt or feel like I want to stop etc. 

I also did an Emotional Release treatment on a client on Thursday and it seems to have also worked on me.  A good/bad scenario, good because it helps my cells cleanse emotional baggage, bad because I hadn't planned for it as I was focused on the client.

As Saturday came around I realized that I would be able to continue the fast.  On Friday I had thought that there was no way I could continue with my 49 day juice fast.  Most of that feeling came from the emotional dumping that I was going through, and part from a very bad juice that I made with beets.  I simply do not like beets.  They taste like dirt.  I feel like I am eating a hand full of good soil.  It makes for a pretty juice but pretty doesn't cut it when the taste is so bad.  So I gave the remainder of the beets to my mom.  She likes beets, I juiced the tops and gave her the root of the beet. 

I encourage you to check out my Holistic Health SiteSchedule a  Free 50 minute Health History consultation.  And let's get you on to your journey for a better you.  Transform You.   Your journey will not be like my journey.  You don't have to do a 49 day juice fast.  Everyone is Bio-Individual and your path will be only yours. 

You deserve whole health.  Start now, schedule your Free 50 minute session.
Blessings, Lynn

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