Thursday, September 19, 2013

Thyroid Function - Is your Thyroid Function off?

In my 20's and early 30's I had Hashimotos and Hyperthyroidism, and for the most part didn't know.  At 36, and pregnant they found a nodule on my thyroid.  It was folicular and papillary carcinoma.  Since that time I have learned a lot about thyroid issues and how to live without a thyroid.

If your thyroid is not functioning properly you may want to consider changing some things in your diet.  You are what you eat, and our endocrine system takes a huge hit from the 'food like substances' we as a society eat.

Don't take your body for granted.  Can food really heal my body?  Yes, REAL food can.  If you have questions and would like guidance to regain heal.  Schedule an appointment with me.  It doesn't matter where you live, we can have a phone consultation, or skype.

Thyroid info and nutrition you can change to improve your thyroid function. 

Selenium: Produces and regulates the T3 hormone and is a mineral critical for the proper functioning of your thyroid gland. It can be found in foods such as shitake mushrooms and brazil nuts.

Zinc, Iron and Copper: You only need these minerals in trace amounts. If you have low levels of zinc, your TSH (thyroid stimulating hormone) can show low.  If you have iron deficiencies, you could have a decreased thyroid efficiency. Copper helps the production of thyroid hormones. Foods such as, spinach, mushrooms, turnip greens and Swiss chard are great to have in your diet to help get these minerals into your body.

Omega-3 Fats: We know play a huge role in endocrine health and especially thyroid function.

Coconut Oil: Coconut oil is made up of mostly medium-chain fatty acids and has many different health modes.  Just taking a tablespoon a day of Coconut oil is healthy for many funcitions within your body, one of which may help to increase metabolism, along with thyroid benefits.

Antioxidants and B Vitamins: Oxidative stress can damage the thyroid.  So by adding antioxidants and B Vitamins your body will neutralize the oxidative stress in your body helping your entire endocrine system, especially your thyroid function.  The manufacture of thyroid hormone in the body can be promoted by vitamin B intake and plays an important role in healthy thyroid function.

Stay away from soy, gluten and aspartame, for thyroid function but for any reason.  Soy and aspartame should not be part of anyone's diet.  


To make an appointment to help you regain the health you desire go to my Booking site.   Please fill out a Health History for the first appointment.  Book TODAY and get started toward improved health and your goals now!


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